


09th July, 2014





Mr. Ismail Suttar, President, Lasbela Chamber of Commerce & Industry and

Vice President, Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry


Mr. Ismail Suttar, President Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) and Vice President, Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) has urged the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) to immediately take up the matter with Pakistan Revenue Automation (Pvt.) Ltd (PRAL) to update the automated revenue service in order to remove the difficulties of the manufacturing industries to get the adjustment of Sales Tax they have paid on the import stage. Many importers and businesses have been facing unnecessary hurdles in getting the adjustment of sales tax since July 2013 when the abrupt revision of PRAL system was enforced, as FBR implements the automated system through PRAL.


The LCCI Chief also urged the FBR not to make abrupt and arbitrary changes in PRAL System for manufacturing industries, without knowing its quansequences in order to cover its own weaknesses in enhancing the revenue collection.


The LCCI President further clarified that many industries have to pay customs duty, income tax and sales tax on manual challans at import stage due the limitations of automated system. These payments are received by the custom authorities after due vetting and clearance of goods at  import stage. However, the same are not being allowed to be adjusted in the system which is usually done in the monthly sales tax returns filed by the industries.


He added that a similar issue was faced by the industry regarding the FED adjustment on oil imports. The industry had to run pillar to post to get that adjusted. After many months of efforts, FBR allowed it for the industry. However, the system was not upgraded to allow all industries to claim the rightful adjustments and therefore many industries are suffering from the inefficiency and indecision of FBR authorities.


Mr. Ismail Suttar was very much concerned about this state of affairs that during these days of economic hardship and slow economic growth, the FBR is not able to facilitate the manufacturing industrial sector which is the engine of economic growth. The manufacturing industrial sector not only contributes positively for economic growth but also provides employment a large number of people. It is not desirable that this sector has to suffer and make appeals to the authorities for claiming the tax adjustments. This situation conveys a negative message for the industrial development in the country.


He said that it is a matter of great concern that the affected persons have been communicating with the relevant RTOs, PRAL, and Customs authorities regarding the issue, who agree that this should be done but  none of the agencies are taking necessary steps to update the system.


Keeping in view the importance and urgency of the matter, the LCCI Chief urged the the Inland Revenue department of FBR and the PRAL to work together in order to find a solution to resolve the problems in getting the sales tax adjustments by the manufacturing industrial sector,  who are being penalized for no reason.


JULY, 2014


07th July, 2014




KARACHI: The Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) has urged the State Bank of Pakistan to bring down the discount rate to give a breathing space to the industry and for the revival of economic activities.


In a statement the LCCI President Ismail Suttar said that SBP has to make a drastic cut at least by 2.5 to 3 per cent in discount rate in the next monetary policy to ensure affordable financing for industrial sector.


The LCCI chief said that unchanged or a cut of 50 to 100 basis points would not be doing any service to the dwindling economy. He said that it was very unfortunate that we have failed to learn any lesson from the tighter monetary policy stance adopted by the State bank of Pakistan in the past few years.


He said that economic managers should understand well that a 50 or even 100 basis points cut will be too little. He said that despite higher inflation all the major economies have either curtailed or are in the process of reducing high interest rates to protect their economies.


He said that the central bank should understand that its continued tighter stance is inflicting a very heavy loss as the economy has already paid a very high price because of high interest rate.


He urged the State Bank of Pakistan to announce at least 250 to 300 basis points cut in markup rates in the forthcoming Monetary Policy this month that would certainly give some breather to the ailing industry.


He further pointed out that government itself has to pay huge amount as mark-up on the loans it acquired during past seven years if the discount rate is not curtailed.


19th June, 2014




KARACHI: The President, Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) Ismail Suttar has vehemently rejected the government’s decision to revise the rate of Gas Infrastructure Development Cess (GIDC) announced by Federal Finance Minister Ishaq Dar at a press conference on Tuesday. Suttar said that LCCI would continue to protest against the unjust GIDC until the government announces its complete withdrawal.

According to a statement issued, he said that LCCI is fully supporting the decision of all chambers of commerce across the country strongly opposing the GIDC and they remain united against such anti-business initiatives.


All chambers of Commerce and industrial bodies have appealed the government to immediately withdraw this anti-business initiative and facilitate growth of businesses which will automatically generate more tax revenue, create more jobs and enhance exports.


The stakeholders are of the view that GIDC would make the business community un-competitive in the region and would result in flight of capital therefore it should immediately be withdrawn.


They said that imposition of GIDC would prove to be disastrous for the industry and terribly affect Pakistan’s exports. The value-added and export-oriented industries had been instrumental in earning valuable foreign exchange to the tune of billions of rupees while the GIDC would not be accepted at any cost as it will increase the cost of production.


JUNE, 2014


06th June, 2014





Mr. Ismail Suttar, President, Lasbela Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

Mr. Ismail Suttar, President, Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry has strongly urged the Government to withdraw the enormous increase in Gas Infrastructure Development Cess (GIDC) per MMBTU for independent Power Plant, Captive Power Producers, CNG and Industrial Consumer which is more than 200 percent as compared to the current rate to the Cess. He apprehended that this enormous increase in GIDC would jeopardize the measures taken by the Government in Federal Budget 2014-15 to boost Industrial activities as it would add about 30% to the cost of production for those industries who use captive power generation and would leave negative effects on their competitiveness. This will also increase the cost of power and will affect other industrial consumers as well.


The Chamber’s Chief said the levy of this enormous increase of GIDC on CNG would add enormously to the cost of CNG directly affecting the common people as it will add to cost of both public and private transportation.


JUNE, 2014


06th June, 2014





Mr. Ismail Suttar, President, Lasbela Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

Mr. Ismail Suttar, President, Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry has strongly urged the Government to withdraw the enormous increase in Gas Infrastructure Development Cess (GIDC) per MMBTU for independent Power Plant, Captive Power Producers, CNG and Industrial Consumer which is more than 200 percent as compared to the current rate to the Cess. He apprehended that this enormous increase in GIDC would jeopardize the measures taken by the Government in Federal Budget 2014-15 to boost Industrial activities as it would add about 30% to the cost of production for those industries who use captive power generation and would leave negative effects on their competitiveness. This will also increase the cost of power and will affect other industrial consumers as well.


The Chamber’s Chief said the levy of this enormous increase of GIDC on CNG would add enormously to the cost of CNG directly affecting the common people as it will add to cost of both public and private transportation.


29th May, 2014






KARACHI: Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) has demanded of the government to establish a dry port at Hub. In his Budget Proposals for 2014-15, LCCI’s President Ismail Suttar said that in order to further facilitate the industries and investors at Hub and other parts of Lasbela District in Balochistan and to increase the revenue collection from this region, a dry port may be established at Hub. The justification of establishment of dry port at Hub/Gaddani is as follows: More than 90% of Sales Tax and Federal Excise Duty collected in Balochistan is being collected at Hub and is likely to be increased with the increase in economic activities in the region.


He said that over 150 industries are operating in Hub and other parts of Lasbela District and many others are either upcoming or under revival. Therefore the volume of import and export goods is likely to expand particularly with the increase in industrial activities. The industries would be benefited by way of saving their time and additional cost of demurrage, if any, besides prompt availability of raw material to them which may otherwise become difficult due to heavy rush at Karachi’s ports.


The establishment of dry port will also facilitate the customs clearance of export cargo particularly of non-traditional items like marble and granite, sea food, agricultural products etc.

It may be pointed out that the revenue generated from Industries in Lasbela District and from other sectors like fisheries, ship breaking industry etc. in Balochistan, does not appear as revenue generated from Balochistan and hence the Provincial Government does not get its due proportionate returns, like contribution in Sales Tax, Income Tax etc. from the Federal collections, which is becoming not only a financial deprivation for its developmental activities but also for maintenance of exhausted infrastructure.

He further suggested that FBR should design policy and procedure to properly document the source of revenue generation and as a first step, to add a column in the sales tax and federal excise returns for entry of the “Source of Origin” of the respective tax. The province of Balochistan should be declared least developed province as compared to other provinces and the industrial investment in this region should be full of incentives. In order to facilitate the industrial investment in the region, the import of plants, machinery and accessories under SRO 575(I)/2006 dated 5th June, 2006 and the import of raw material under SRO 565(I)/2006 dated 5th June, 2006 be declared as zero-rated particularly for the industries located in Hub and other parts of Lasbela.

The SALT be included in the list of items eligible for
“Inland Freight Subsidy” in accordance with government policy of giving inland freight subsidy on many export oriented products, SRO No 10(I) 2003 dated January 4, 2013, may be rescinded and Export Development Surcharge may be withdrawn. Collector of Customs has power to get the records of the importer cum manufacturer audited whenever deemed necessary as provided in conduction VIII of the SRO. The Collector of Customs should revalidate full annual Quantitative Entitlement of Raw Materials on receipt of application for revalidation. The application for revalidation of annual Quantitative Entitlement may be made on line to the Collector of Customs and its revalidation may be made online.

It is Proposed that limit of removal of goods from Zone to Tariff Area may be increased to 59% from 20%.


It is proposed that condition of registration with Ministry of Textile Industry may be with-drawn, instead all the industrial units registered as Manufacturers of Textile with Inland Revenue / Sales tax / Income Tax Department may be given the exemption of Custom Duty under the provisions of SRO.809(I)2009 dated 19 Sep, 2009. It is proposed that all the Raw Materials listed in the Tables to SRO 565(1) 2006/05/06/2006, should be exempted from Customs Duty, especially for those industries operating in Lasbela and other underdeveloped areas of Pakistan.


14th May, 2014






(Mr. Ismail Suttar, President, Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry.)


While appreciating the appropriate measures being taken by the present government, Mr. Ismail Suttar, President, Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry urged to cut down the discount rate to bring the same around 6 to 7 per cent in order to support the industrial investment in the current economic scenario and sever shortage of energy and high POL prices.


He expected that the Federal Finance Minister Mr. Ishaq Dar and the Governor State Bank of Pakistan Mr. Ashraf M. Wathra would further consider this matter to take appropriate measures to facilitate the industrial investment, which has slowed down due to damaging of competitiveness as compared to other countries in the region where the discount rate is much lower than that in Pakistan.


In the opinion of Mr. Ismail Suttar, the expansion of economy is imperative in order to meet the sustained economic growth and to create employment opportunities for the people. It is possible only with the availability of cheaper liquidity to the investors who are looking towards the competitiveness in the wake of appreciation of Pak Rupee against US Dollar, GSP plus status and the high rate of inflation, besides the law and order situation.  For this purpose the State Bank of Pakistan should take lead to frame the investment friendly monetary policies keeping in view the current economic indicators.






KARACHI: President Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), Ismail Suttar has opposed the State Bank’s decision to keep monetary policy unchanged at 10 percent for the next two months despite the fact that various economic indicators of the country have started showing signs of improvement.


In a statement he said that exporters have already suffered monetary losses due to abrupt fall of dollar and facing financial crunch, the central bank has remained unmoved while industry was expecting at least one percent reduction in interest rate.


He urged the State Bank to review its decision and bring down the key policy rate by at least 1 percent to 9 percent in order to reduce the cost of doing business and give some relief to the business community members who are already under immense pressure due to recent depreciation of US dollar.


President LCCI further advised the government to take business community on board prior to taking such decisions having a direct impact on cost of doing business.


He said the mechanism to control inflation through this measure would not work as government the major borrower of the banks borrowed huge money. He added that the availability of surplus liquidity in the market is always essential as its absence is the prime reason behind lack of investment in the industry.
Reduction in bank mark-up rate could encourage fresh investment in the industry particularly in the textile and other industry and increase jobs and exports of the country.
Suttar who is also a Vice President of FPCCI said that private sector borrowing remains still very low as banks prefer lending to the government and a hike in the key policy rate would amount to punish the masses, as well as the private sector as they would have to pay more interest on borrowings.


19th April, 2014


Mr. Ismail Suttar, President Lasbrela Chamber of Commerce & Indyustry

KARACHI: Ismail Suttar, President,  Lasbrela Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) has stressed upon the authorities for completion of the second lane of Lyari Expressway in shortest possible time, as it has taken a long time since the commencement of its construction. He urged the National Highway Authority to remove all impediments in the way of construction of the Lyari Expressway and provide maximum relief to masses through 100 per cent completion of this project.


He said that in Karachi due to the increasing magnitude of road transport and the lack of adequate maintenance, rehabilitation and renovation, the road system often face a premature collapse. This increase in vehicle overloading and the shift from rail to road has led to a rapid and premature deterioration which resulted in frequent traffic gridlock as evident from the traffic jam on almost on all main arteries of the city particularly in the south and west district of Karachi.


Ismail Suttar, further said that the traffic between Karachi and Hub onwards to Quetta through RCD Highway and Northern Bypass has also increased which causes delay in targeting the destination due to mismanaged traffic on both the roads which provides links for Balochistan and Sindh. The flow of the traffic between of Hub and other parts of Lasbela and Karachi also suffers a lot due to heavy flow of industrial, ship breaking, Gawadar Port traffic together with Public Transport on the RCD highway and it is quite necessary that the construction of Hub Bypass should be started immediately to divert the heavy traffic towards that bypass thus giving relief to the people of Hub Town. He said that it will also provide and incentive to the investors who intend to make investment in Hub and adjoining areas of Lasbela District.


MAY, 2014


12th May, 2014





Mr. Abdur Rauf Chaudhry, Honourable Federal Tax Ombudsman (FTO)


Mr. Abdur Rauf Chaudhry, Honourable Federal Tax Ombudsman (FTO) while addressing the members of Lasbela Chamber of Commerce & Industry said that in order to facilitate the exporters he will approach the FBR to make payments of already settled refund claims within the specified time limit. He said that he will also tell the FBR to arrange the publishing of Customs daily list of Import and Export through Pakistan Revenue Automation Limited (PRAL) in order to facilitate the business community and to promote the transparency in the international business transactions.


Responding to a question he noticed that the demand of Tool Tax twice at Karachi Northern Bypass which tantamount to double taxation would be addressed to in accordance with law in the larger public interest.


The Honourable Federal Tax Ombudsman (FTO) also assured to monitor the expensed being made by Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) from export development surcharge mint for the promotion of expo trade in accordance with relevant legal provisions.


Earlier while welcoming the Honourable FTO Mr. Abdur Rauf Chaudhry, advisor to FTO Office, Quetta, Mr. Justice (R) Muhammad Nadir Khan, advisor to FTO Regional Office, Karachi, Mr. Manzoor Ahmed Kureshi the Lasbela Chamber President Mr. Ismail Suttar highly appreciated the office of FTO which is a last resort for the aggrieved members of the business community to get relief. He said that it is quite encouraging that majority of members of Lasbela Chamber have no issues pertaining to taxation because of the efficiency of commissionrate of Inland Revenue, Hub and the Collectorate of Customs at Gaddani.


However he invited the attention of the Honourable Federal Tax Ombudsman (FTO) towards the problems of general nature like delay in issuing the Refund Cheques by FBR, the matters of expenses made from the fund of export development surcharge etc…


While presenting the vote of thanks to the Honourable guests and the participants Dr. Muhammad Aslam, Former President, Lasbela Chamber appreciated the visit of Honourable FTO along with his colleagues to the Lasbela Chamber. He also appreciated the business community who always play the role of economic engine to ensure the continuation of economic activities and growth.


08th April, 2014





Mr. Ismail Suttar, President Lasbela  Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


Mr. Ismail Suttar, President Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry has lauded the establishment of Light Engineering and Upgradation Center (LEUC) at Hub which is under construction with the joint efforts of Technology Upgradation and Skill Development Company (TUSDEC), Ministry of Industries & Production, Government of Pakistan, Lasbela Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCCI) and Lasbela Industrial Estate Development Authority (LIEDA), Government of Balochistan being funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADP). He gave his remarks in a Press Conference held at the office of the Lasbela Chamber at Hub, today.


The Chief Executive Officer (CEO), TUSDEC Mr. Basit Maqsood Abbasi informed that the Light Engineering and Upgradation Center (LEUC) at Hub being built at a cost of Rs. 223.00 million,  will facilitate the industries by providing the repair and maintenance services to them at competitive rates which would be an added incentive for cutting the cost of production, as they would not require to rush to Karachi and other places for this purpose. He also informed that the workers at the industries and other students will also be provided training  in various trades in  accordance with the needs of the industries enabling them to find their placements in the industries.


Mr. Ismail Suttar informed that the Chamber will try to get this center affiliated with the

BalochistanUniversity of Engineering & Technology, Khuzdar in order to upgrade the certification for the students being trained at this Center. This would provide an opportunity for the workers and students of Lasbela and Balochistan to get technical training according to the employers needs and  in this way they will get  employment opportunities thereby enhancing their living standards. The availability of trained workers at Hub and Lasbela  will also provide an incentive for the investors to take positive decision about their investment in Balochistan, he added.


APRIL, 2014


02nd April, 2014




Mr. Ismail Suttar, President, Lasbela Chamber of Commerce & Industry


Mr. Ismail Suttar, President Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) has urged the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) to immediately take up the matter with Pakistan Revenue Automation (Pvt.) Ltd (PRAL) to update the automated revenue service in order to remove the difficulties of the manufacturing industries to get the adjustment of Sales Tax they have paid on the import stage. Many importers and businesses have been facing unnecessary hurdles in getting the adjustment of sales tax since July 2013 when the abrupt revision of PRAL system was enforced, as FBR implements the automated system through PRAL.


The LCCI Chief also urged the FBR not to make abrupt and arbitrary changes in PRAL System for manufacturing industries, without knowing its quansequences in order to cover its own weaknesses in enhancing the revenue collection.


The LCCI President further clarified that many industries have to pay customs duty, income tax and sales tax on manual challans at import stage due the limitations of automated system. These payments are received by the custom authorities after due vetting and clearance of goods at  import stage. However, the same are not being allowed to be adjusted in the system which is usually done in the monthly sales tax returns filed by the industries.


He added that a similar issue was faced by the industry regarding the FED adjustment on oil imports. The industry had to run pillar to post to get that adjusted. After many months of efforts, FBR allowed it for the industry. However, the system was not upgraded to allow all industries to claim the rightful adjustments and therefore many industries are suffering from the inefficiency and indecision of FBR authorities.


Mr. Ismail Suttar was very much concerned about this state of affairs that during these days of economic hardship and slow economic growth, the FBR is not able to facilitate the manufacturing industrial sector which is the engine of economic growth. The manufacturing industrial sector not only contributes positively for economic growth but also provides employment a large number of people. It is not desirable that this sector has to suffer and make appeals to the authorities for claiming the tax adjustments. This situation conveys a negative message for the industrial development in the country.


He said that it is a matter of great concern that the affected persons have been communicating with the relevant RTOs, PRAL, and Customs authorities regarding the issue, who agree that this should be done but  none of the agencies are taking necessary steps to update the system.


Keeping in view the importance and urgency of the matter, the LCCI Chief urged the the Inland Revenue department of FBR and the PRAL to work together in order to find a solution to resolve the problems in getting the sales tax adjustments by the manufacturing industrial sector,  who are being penalized for no reason.



29th March, 2014


“Need to Increase the tax BAse to increase the tax revenues”

Mr. Ismail Suttar, President, Lasbela Chamber of Commerce & Industry


Mr. Ismail Suttar, President Lasbela Chamber of Commerce & Industry while giving comments on the second quarterly Economic Report of State Bank of Pakistan, which has called for measures to increase tax revenues. The State Bank has proposed the taxation reforms which includes the widening of tax base, improvement of FBR performance and broad based reforms in the energy sector etc.


The Chamber’s Chief stressed upon inclusion of non traditional sectors including agriculture sector which constitute around 24% of GDP, into tax net in order to improve the collection as per potential of the tax collection of the country. He criticized that in order to increase the tax collection the current tax payers are burdened instead of including the non tax paying sectors into the tax net.


The Chamber’s Chief also stressed upon the administrative and procedural reforms in the FBR enabling to this organization make revenue collection at least to meet the target. It is to be noted that the FBR miserably failed to collect three time downward-revised budget target during the last financial year, thus forcing the government to borrow more money to meet the fiscal deficit putting further financial strain because of increasing the debt servicing.


The Chamber’s Chief again stressed upon the broadening the tax net and increasing the efficiency of FBR for tax collection in the wake of IMF demand to take steps to collect Rs.195 billion additional taxes to bring the fiscal deficit down to 4.2%.


18th March, 2014



Karachi, March 15, 2014 (PPI-OT): President Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), Ismail Suttar has opposed the State Bank’s decision to keep monetary policy unchanged at 10 percent for the next two months despite the fact that various economic indicators of the country have started showing signs of improvement.

In a statement he said that exporters have already suffered monetary losses due to abrupt fall of dollar and facing financial crunch, the central bank has remained unmoved while industry was expecting at least one percent reduction in interest rate.

He urged the State Bank to review its decision and bring down the key policy rate by at least 1 percent to 9 percent in order to reduce the cost of doing business and give some relief to the business community members who are already under immense pressure due to recent depreciation of US dollar.

President LCCI further advised the government to take business community on board prior to taking such decisions having a direct impact on cost of doing business.


19th March, 2014




Mr. Ismail suttar, President Lasbela  Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


Mr. Ismail Suttar, President Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) while appreciating the stand of the President FPCCI Mr. Zakaria Usman  , has seconded the proposal  that a rational policy should be framed by the government to reduce the number of gazetted holidays being observed in Pakistan as the large number of holidays whether on Federal or Provincial level, are hampering the economic activities of the country. The whole country goes on shut down during the Eid holidays or at the occasion like that for three to five days in addition to two weekly holidays, thus badly affecting the industrial production and export shipment schedules.


Similarly the provinces every now and then announce holidays without any schedule thus badly affecting the commercial and industrial activities.


Besides these holidays, there are numerous closures in a year on account of political strikes, public meetings, processions etc. closing the main roads and causing sever traffic jams in the city thus creating lot of problems for the people. The situations like this have a crippling effect on country’s economy which is not acceptable during the current phase of its revival. Of-course the public meetings, processions etc. are a significant part of political activities in democratic set up but these should be so carried out in such a way that the business activities should not suffer.


It is suggested to mark areas outside the city limits where the general public should have the right for their freedom of expression which falls well under the democratic needs and rights, so they have full liberty to demonstrate their desires and wishes  but not at the cost of others by shutting other peoples businesses. If an area is allocated outside the city limits it will keep the city life normal as well as the demonstration will be able to get more positive eyes watching them which however is eventually for the benefit of the people in most of the cases.


Mr. Ismail Suttar is of the view that in this state of affairs, the beaurucracy also plays a significant role while designing the number of holidays to take any gazetted or weekly holiday in between so that  long spell of holidays may be enjoyed. But these deliberately designed long spell of holidays prove to be quite dangerous for the economy of the country, which is already suffering due to many inside and outside factors.


The Chamber’s Chief urged the government to rationalize the number of holidays, in consultation with the business community, which may be restricted to be observed only on genuine occasions. Similarly the Provinces should also adopt some criteria to announce the holidays, in order to make sure the prior knowledge of the same for making due adjustments and to save the business activities to sustain un-necessary losses.



MARCH, 2013


10th March, 2013




KARACHI: In the wake of diminishing water storage at Hub Dam, the Secretary Irrigation and Power, Balochistan, Naseebullah Khan Bazai considering the situation and the importance of industrial operation has decided to supply 4.5 cusecs water daily basis to the industries of Hub and 3.00 cusecs for those outside LIEDA (Lasbela Industrial Estate Development Authority).


He said the balance quantity will be supplied to Public Health Engineering Department for domestic purposes. He requested the Secretary Industries and Commerce Department, Balochistan to share the cost of pumping of water from the Dam and to revise the rates of water for LIEDA.


As the Irrigation Department at Hub started curtailing supply of water to Hub Industries, the situation was quite alarming for smooth running of industrial operations, following which the Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) immediately taken the notice of the situation and requested the Chief Secretary, Balochistan and Secretary, Irrigation and Power Department, Balochistan to set up the distribution schedule of water in the crises situation after taking all stakeholders into confidence, keeping in view that the industries are the only consumers who are paying their water bills regularly.


Upon this initiative, the Bazai visited Hub and met with the delegation of the Chamber led by its Vice President, Anjum Rafatullha Khan and also comprising former President, Maqsood Ismail and the representatives from Gatron Industries, Otsuka Pakistan and Ismail Industries. Secretary, Industries and Commerce, Balochistan Masood Ahmed along with Managing Director, LIEDA, Sohail Mirza were also present. The Deputy Commissioner, District Lasbela Amir Sultan Tareen and XEN Public Health Engineering, Imran Aliani and other high ranking officers from irrigation and LIEDA were present.


Deputy Commissioner Lasbela has been asked to maintain law and order situation in the area from where the HubCanal is passing in this period of crises. Naseebullah Khan Bazai instructed the officers concerned to properly restore the controlled water supply to LIEDA for industries while ensuring that they are getting the quantity already decided.


V.P. LCCI, Anjum Rafatullah Khan and Former President Maqsood Ismail and other members of the Chamber thanked the Secretaries, Irrigation and Power and Industries and Commerce, Balochistan for their cooperation and favorable consideration keeping in view the genuine requirements of Industries at Hub.



21st February, 2014



The establishment of Customs Dry Port at Hub has also been agreed in principle.

Mr. Ismail Suttar, President, Lasbela Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Mr. Ismail Suttar, President of Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) in a Press Release issued today, has informed that during the meeting of LCCI delegation with Mr. Tariq Bajwa, Chairman FBR today at Islamabad, the Chairman FBR agreed that the inland revenue collected from tax payers having their business premises at Lasbela District would be accounted for in the revenue generated in Balochistan, irrespective of its collection anywhere in the country and being reported by any methodology by the authorized banks. This was stated by him during the discussion with LCCI delegation on the issue of reporting the collection of inland taxes generated in Balochistan.


The Chairman, FBR also agreed to provide total figures of the inland taxes generated from Hub and other parts of Lasbela District, so that the Government of Balochistan may assess the potential of tax generation in the area enabling them to provide further infra-structure and incentives for industrial progress in the Province. Member, FBR Inland Revenue (Operations) has been given the responsibility of providing the data of the revenue collection from Balochistan.


During the meeting Mr. Iqbal Ismail, Chairman, LCCI Taxation sub-committee raised the issue of inordinate delay in the issuance of sales tax refund cheques even after the issuance of RPOs. The Chairman FBR Mr. Tariq Bajwa agreed that the issuance of refund cheques are being delayed but he will try of reduce the time of issuance of such cheque to reasonable limit.


On the request of the Mr. Ismail Suttar, President LCCI, Mr. Tariq Bajwa agreed in principle to establish the CustomsDryPort at Hub, which will certainly provide an incentive to the investors and the industries currently operating at Hub and other parts of Balochistan and would contribute to the economic progress of Balochistan and its people.  The Member (Customs) FBR Mr. Muhammad Nisar is looking into this matter in order to ensure the early establishment of DryPort at Hub.


During the meeting the LCCI President thanked the Chairman FBR for giving a patient hearing to the LCCI delegation including Mr. Iqbal Ismail, Chairman LCCI Taxation sub-committee and appreciated the professional approach and leadership skills of Mr.,. Tariq Bajwa and the efforts of his team at FBR at Islamabad as well at Hub and Quetta, to steer the country out of the current economic crises, in line with policy of the present government. The LCCI President also lauded the sentiments of the Chairman FBR for the uplift of Balochistan as the most important task for him.



16th January, 2014





KARACHI: The President Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) and Vice President FPCCI, Ismail Suttar has urged the government to seriously take measures to revive ailing economy considering the annual report of State Bank that showed a dismal performance by the economy. In a statement Ismail said that central bank’s report even forecasted bleak picture of the economy in days to come if the government would not taken concrete steps for correction and rescue the various sectors declining fast. He expressed his surprise that even the agriculture sector did not show any progress that was giving good results for the past many years.

He further said that in order to achieve the sustained economic growth at a progressive rate of 3-4%, the government must frame the investment friendly policies to increase the inflow of industrial investment into the country thereby creating employment opportunities for the people.


The LCCI Chief has urged the government to reduce the non-development expenditure and the reliance on the domestic financing which has now become a major risk to macroeconomic stability as debt servicing alone has increased up to 6.7% of GDP. He also stressed on the need of the expansion of the tax net by including the agricultural sector into the tax net as well as the improvement of tax collection mechanism to enhance the Tax to GDP ratio, which is one of the lowest among the South Asian countries.


He also stressed the need to address the issues of power shortage and law and order situation in the country without which the macroeconomic stability would be jeopardized resulting in declining economic growth leading to the enhancement of the poverty and instability in the country.




07th January, 2014




KARACHI: The Employers Federation of Pakistan (EFP) has elected Ismail Suttar as member from Chambers/Trade Biodies/ Associations’ seat for the term of three years. The EFP has held its elections for the new term 2014-16 on Monday January 5, 2014 at its premises. Ismail Suttar who is also the president of Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) and Vice President FPCCI, has been elected by a 20-meber board / managaing committee which was elected by the extra-ordinary general body meeting held earlier in the day. Ismail Suttar has also held the following advisory positions in the following: Alternate Dispute Resolution Committee (Sales Tax) of FBR, Hub Circle (2007), Workers Welfare Board, Balochistan (2007, 2009, 2011), EOBI Zonal Advisory Committee (2007), Balochistan Employees Social Security Institution, Balochistan (2007, 2008). LIEDA Works Committee (2007 onward), LIEDA Board of Director (2009, 2013), Disaster Management Committee of LIEDA (2009), Better Business Advisory Council, Government of Pakistan (2007), Advisory Committee for Common Facilitation Center, Hub (2010 onwards), Business Advisory Council, Balochistan (2008,) and Balochistan Provincial Committee on Small and Medium Enterprises (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012).



20th December, 2013




KARACHI: The President Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), Ismail Suttar has been elected unopposed Vice President of Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) from Balochistan for the term of 2014. The FPCCI has announced the result of one Vice President of FPCCI from Balochistan on Thursday after the withdrawal of his opponent. Ismail an elected member of executive committee of the FPCCI has also represented LCCI on FPCCI General Body during 2007- 2008. An industrialist, Ismail has a large manufacturing set ups at Hub, District Lasbela, Balochistan and Mithi, District Tharparkar, Sindh. He also remained Chairman of many standing committees of LCCI since 2007.


Ismail Suttar, MBA (Marketing) from International University, Missouri, USA, also remained Vice Chairman, National Mirror Committee (NMC) on Environmental management of PSQCA, Member, Saltinstitute, Washington, USA, Member, ICC IDD (International Committee for the control of Iodine deficiency disorders), Alternate Dispute Resolution Committee (Sales Tax) of FBR, Hub Circle (2007) member of Workers Welfare Board, Balochistan (2007, 2009, 2011), Member of EOBI Zonal Advisory Committee (2007), Balochistan Employees Social Security Institution, Balochistan (2007, 2008), LIEDA Works Committee (2007 onwards), LIEDA Board of Director (2009, 2013), Better Business Advisory Council, Government of Pakistan (2007), Advisory Committee for Common Facilitation Center, Hub (2010 onwards), Business Advisory Council, Balochistan (2008,), Balochistan Provincial Committee on Small and Medium Enterprises (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012).



14th December, 2013





KARACHI: The Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) has hailed the European Union’s grant of GSP Plus status to Pakistan terming it a blessing for country’s value-added sector especially textile exports. In a statement LCCI President Ismail Suttar said that Pakistan was most deserving for this status as our exports were fast declining due to internal and external reasons particularly law and order situation and increase in cost of production and top of it we have to pay 11.5 per cent duty on access to the European market as compared to duty free access to Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. He hoped that the new development would bring positive change and boost textile exports to the 27 European destinations. He lauded the efforts of Minister of Estate on Commerce Khurram Dastgir for getting this status from EU. He hoped that minister would strive further to fully utilize this tariff concession by giving level playing field to the exporters in the shape of utilities and infrastructural facilities.



He now appealed to the government to improve the supply of gas and electricity to the textile industry in order to realise the full potential of the GSP Plus advantage as without this the advantage cannot be achieved. He also suggested that the government come up with a scheme of concessional finance facility for new projects and expansions that set up their own power generation based on fuel other than gas so that new capacity may be developed in the country.


12th December, 2013




KARACHI: Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) has demanded the government to restore six-day working week in banks and other government functionaries related to exports. The President LCCI, Ismail Suttar in a statement said that the decision by the establishment to resort to 5-day working week was absolutely against the national interest, he added that the bureaucrats had taken this decision for their own comfort. He said that country has already suffered a lot due to long holidays and exports are suffering. He said that the two weekly holidays in government departments and its affiliated institutions in the name of energy conservation has not shown any positive result.


He said that this practice for closure of public sector, customs and ports has severely hampered the commercial and industrial activities. Exports of consignments and timely clearance of goods have also suffered. “Pakistan remains cutoff for three-and-a-half days with the rest of the world,” he said.


He supported the demand made by the KCCI to immediately de-notify five-day a week notice.


The corporate sector is facing hardships in timely clearance of cheques; therefore, the National Institutional Facilitation Technologies (Nift) service formerly known as Clearing House of State Bank should remain operative on Saturdays, he said.


Nowhere in the world, banks remained closed when the commerce and industrial sector is operative even in the countries where five-day week is observed and commercial banks remained open on Saturdays, he said.


Exporters maintaining trade ties with the Gulf countries faced additional elimination of Friday being observed as holiday in the Gulf. Same is for the customs and ports and they cannot be closed down for two days as their closure will stop valuable exports of this country and delays in clearance of imported goods disturb supply of goods to upcountry, Ismail said



02nd December, 2013



Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch, Chief Minister Balochistan


 KARACHI: Chief Minister Balochistan, Dr Abdul Malik has announced to establish Board of Investment in the province very soon as the provincial government is preparing its structure and terms of reference for the purpose. Speaking as chief guest at a reception hosted by Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) in his honour on Sunday, he invited LCCI to give its proposals for the establishment of BBOI being formed in bringing investment to the province and improvement of the industrial infrastructure.


While emphasizing on the industrialists to provide employment to the youth of the province, CM proposed that the Lasbela University of Marine Sciences and Water Management at Uthal should be given moral and financial support by the industries enabling the university to produce good products suitable for the employment in the industries and for upcoming viable projects. He also agreed to set up technical training center at Hub as the city campus of university to facilitate the students at Hub. He desired from the industries to arrange the payment of sales tax, income tax etc. at Hub by Large Tax Units instead of Karachi to enhance the revenue collection share of Balochistan. He again assured to give full production to the industrial and commercial investors provided they work for the well-being of people of Balochistan. The Chief Minister also directed LIEDA and other institutions to coordinate with Lasbela Chamber to create the concept papers for setting up of SeafoodCity, IronCity, Dates City etc. as the government of Balochistan in coordination with Lasbela Chamber will provide full support for completion of these projects. He assured that the Industries in the Lasbela District would be provided with complete protection to safeguard their investment and peaceful and extortion free environment would be ensured for smooth industrial and commercial operations at Hub and other parts of Lasbela District as it is in the interest of the people of Balochistan.


Earlier, President LCCI, Ismail Suttar invited CM’s attention towards the building of the Hub Bypass whose PC-1 has been approved and allocation of fund is required. The Chamber’s Chief also proposed to make the RCD highway passing through Hub city, encroachment-free to ensure the smooth flow of GawaderPort traffic, Ship breaking traffic, industrial traffic and public transport. Mr. Ismail Suttar also proposed that the water from K-3 Project may be provided PHE system for the domestic use at Hub, which has already been laid as the part of K-3 project and nothing has to be spent by


the Government of Balochistan. This is to avoid the spread of diseases like Hepatitis etc., because the raw water from the Hub Dam is contaminated, as it is not purified and sufficient to last long. He also requested that the Government may see that the youth of Balochistan may get its due share from the Prime Minister Youth Business Loans Scheme 2013. He offered that the LCCI will help the youth to set up small businesses, so that they may become successful entrepreneurs. He also proposed that in order to improve the standard of life at Lasbela and Balochistan the SeafoodCity, IronCity and DatesCity should be setup to create employment opportunities through industrialization in these sectors.


Maqsood Ismail, Former President Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry, proposed that the Wind Mill Power Generation Project may be setup at wind corridor at Gadani. He also stressed upon the building of Hub Bypass and removal of encroachments from RCD Highway at Hub. Maqsood Ismail also proposed that the gas pressure for captive power plants at Hub should be maintained at prescribed level with good quality, as it is the constitutional right of Balochistan to use its own gas on priority basis.


Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch, agreed with the proposals put forwarded by the office bearers of Lasbela Chamber regarding the building of Hub Bypass and other matters pertaining to the improvement of the working conditions for the industrial operation and further investment. He informed that the

Jam Sahab of Lasbela and Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Resources, Jam Kamal Khan; the members of Provincial Assembly from Lasbela Mr. Sardar Saleh Muhammad Bhootani and Prince Ahmed Ali Baloch were also present on the occasion. Mr. Jam Kamal Khan in his address assured that he will try to coordinate with the Sui Southern Gas Company Limited (SSGCL) to maintain the gas pressure at Hub. He appreciated the proposal of wind power at Gadani and agreed to consider the same.


29th November, 2013







Mr. Ismail Suttar, President Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry, highly appreciated the policy announcement by the honorable Prime Minister of Pakistan,     Mr. Nawaz Sharif, regarding the incentives for the investors to make investment and create jobs in the Green Field Projects, providing an opportunity for bring back the capital for economic uplift.


The Chamber’s Chief also appreciated the incentives given to the tax payers for filing their tax return aimed at widening the tax net, along with the extension in the deadline for filing the tax returns, which has provided an opportunity to tax payers to get advantage from the incentives and concessions announced by the Prime Minister.


Mr. Ismail Suttar, however, was of the opinion that these incentives and whitening scheme for the investor will work successfully when the investors would be confident about better law and order situation in the country together with good governance and corruption free and competent bureaucracy, which at times disappoints the business community due to its slackness and red tappism.



11th November, 2013



Mr. Ismail Suttar, President, Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Mr. Ismail Suttar, President Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry has expressed great concern over the consequences of ongoing strike of goods transporters and urged the competent Government Authorities to get the issues of the strikers resolved to save the export activities of the country from disaster besides the logistics of consumer goods within the country.


He apprehended that due to this strike transportation of raw material from port to manufacturing units would be delayed, thus badly affecting the production activities, which will also result in delayed shipment of export consignments, which may not be acceptable to foreign buyers.


He further added that this is a time when shipments are required to leave on time so that it reaches the destination well in time to let the importers sell their imports in the buying season which for most of the importing destinations are end of December when it coincides with Christmas and new years. If these shipments are late even by one week it is not going to reach the destinations mostly European in time for the holiday seasons. In addition to that the export shipments of perishable goods are being affected very badly.


The Chamber’s Chief again urged the Government Authorities to immediately resolve this issue after consultation with transport owners in order to save the country from the possible loss of million of dollars due to failure of prompt shipment of export consignments and also to save public at large from inflation at retail stage due to unavailability of consumer goods in time.





06th November, 2013







Mr. Ismail Suttar, President.

Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


Mr. Ismail Suttar, President Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry, has welcomed the grant of duty free market access to Pakistani Textile made-ups by the Europe Union (EU), under the provisions of Generalized System of Preference (GSP) plus with effect from 1st January, 2014.


The Chamber’s Chief congratulated the manufacturers and exporters of textile products, who have now got the opportunity to penetrate in the EU market, as this facility would provide duty free access to about 3500 products, thus saving 11% custom duty levied on Pakistani products in Europe, which has been abolished with effect from 1st January, 2014.


Mr. Ismail Suttar appreciated the efforts of the Punjab Governor, Mr. Muhammad Sarwar, whose efforts and lobbying with the EU Parliamentarians resulted in providing this facility to Pakistan.


At this moment, the President of Lasbela Chamber urged the US authorities to facilitate the Pakistani Exporters in similar way to provide duty free US market access to Pakistani exports, which may grow up to $2 billion thus providing a great support for strengthening the economy of Pakistan and to address the unemployment problem and poverty elevation issues. An economically strong Pakistan may play significant role in resolving various socio-economic issues of the world as well.



31st October, 2013



Mr. Ismail Suttar, President, Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Mr. Ismail Suttar, President LCCI termed the pension disbursed by EOBI to secured employees a meager amount and urged the Employees” Old-Age Benefits Institutions (EOBI) authorities to increase the same  keeping in view the increasing cost of living of today as it is the only support for the private sector employees after retirement. He put forward this proposal while addressing a Seminar organized by LCCI in collaboration of EOBI on “EOBI Web Application Facilitation System”. Mr. Hassan Junaid, Director EOBI Sindh-Balochistan Zone, Director IT, Mr. Nadeem Iqbal and Assistant Director Mr. Ali Muttaqi also participated in the Seminar.


The Chamber’s Chief welcomed the introduction of EOBI Web Application Facilitation System and congratulated the EOBI for the same. He hoped that through this system the secured employees may directly approach the EOBI online and without any hassle and personal contact with EOBI staff, can get their registration, deposit of contribution and complete other maters pertaining to the same.


He further added that the privilege of this system is its simplicity and safety thus giving a providing a sense of security amongst the private sector employers and employees, which is quite satisfactory for all stakeholders.


Mr. Hassan Junaid (Director EOBI, Sindh & Balochistan) and Mr. Nadeem Iqbal (Director IT, EOBI) while giving this presentation informed that the objective of introducing the system of web application is to maintain the transparency and to facilitate the stakeholders.  They further ensured that the EOBI is endeavoring continuously to improve this on-line system in order to further facilitate the employees and the employers.


While appreciating the interest showed by the participants with the proceedings of the Seminar with an intension to provide relief to the retired people, Mr. Ismail Suttar again urged the EOBI to consider substantial increase in the pension, to enable our senior citizens to live a happy life after their retirement.


11th October, 2013



Mr. Ismail Suttar, President,

Lasbela Chamber of Commerce & Industry.


“The delay in the construction of Hub Bypass (National Highway N-25) whose PC-1 has been approved but the work has not been started due to non-release of funds is causing undue losses to the people and business community of Balochistan”. This was stated by Mr. Ismail Suttar, President, Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


The Chamber’s President further said that the importance of this project has increased manifold due to the increase of economic activities at Hub and increased activity in the operation of Gawadar Port, revival of ship breaking industry at Gaddani together with the industrial operations at Hub, and that the RCD Highway crossing the Hub Town has become quite insufficient to take the pressure of heavy traffic with the result that frequent traffic jams occur and the people of Hub suffer very badly. The presence of encroachments on the Road further aggravates the situation.


Mr. Ismail Suttar has much appreciated the NHA who have planned to build this Bypass to facilitate the flow of heavy industrial and port traffic but the implementation of this project has become long pending due to non-release of funds. He apprehend that further delay in the start of this project may increase its cost thus creating further problems for NHA in the matter of getting approval of additional funds.


In the larger interest of the people of Balochistan and the Lasbela District and to facilitate further industrial and commercial investment in the region, he strongly urged the Government to release the funds as soon as possible to ensure the implementation of this project and its timely completion.




01st October, 2013



Mr. Ismail Suttar, President, Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry


“The increase in the prices of petroleum products after every short intervals together with the increase in electricity tariff for domestic consumers may cause the sharp increase in the prices of consumer items thus leaving negative impact on the livelihood of common man, who are already hit by the inflationary trend due to recent increase in electricity tariff for commercial and industrial consumers.”  This was stated by the President, Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Ismail Suttar in Press release issued here today.


The Chamber’s Chief further added that every time the increase in the prices of Petroleum products has directly hit the common people who are already suffering due to uncontrolled inflation, lawlessness and unemployment. This state of affairs is not a good sign for the commercial and industrial growth of the country.


Mr. Ismail Suttar suggested that the Government should take alternative measures in consultation with business community to fight the economic turmoil and to provide some relief to poverty hit common people.





30th September, 2013







The Lasbela Chamber of Commerce & Industry in a Press Release issued here today announced that Mr. Ismail Suttar of M/s. Hub Pak Salt Refinery, Mr. Badar-e-Munir Patel of M/s. Muhammad Yunus Patel and Mr. Anjum Rafatullah Khan of M/s. MAL Pakistan Limited have been elected unopposed for the offices of President, Senior Vice President and Vice President respectively and have taken the charge of their respective offices of Lasbela Chamber, alongwith the newly constituted Executive Committee with effect from today, 1st October, 2013.


Mr. Ismail Suttar has been very active in the chamber during the past few years in the capacity of Former Vice President and the Chairman Law & Order Sub-Committee of the Chamber.


Earlier Mr. Ismail Suttar of M/s. Hub Pak Salt Refinery, Mr. Muhammad Amin of M/s. Mondelez Pakistan Limited and Mr. Taufiq Bilwani of M/s. Gatro Power (Pvt) Limited from Corporate Member Class of the Chamber and Mr. Rais Ahmed of M/s. Friends Food Product, Mr. Badar-e-Munir Patel of M/s. Muhammad Yunus Patel from Associate Member Class were elected unopposed as the Members of Executive Committee for Two Years Term.

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