Dear Members,
I am thankful to the business community of Lasbela who have chosen me once again to lead the Lasbela Chamber of Commerce and Industry as Chamber’s President for 2021-22.
It is indeed an honor and as well as great responsibility to represent the member industries at various forums. It is my duty to help the industry out to resolve their problems, to protect their rights and to try to make the policies more business friendly.
Lasbela Industrial Estate is the largest organized industrial cluster of the largest province of Pakistan. The industries over hear, contributes approx. 75% revenue of the province.
In the wake of CPEC and proposed Special Economic Zone development, the Lasbela District is attracting more attention of the investors.
This would be the obvious focus of LCCI to guide and assist the member to get maximum advantage of these opportunities for the growth of business and prosperity of our people.
I expect help, support, guidance and timely updating my team and me. Support of members is inevitable. We can touch many milestones with joint efforts for the business community.
I sincerely believe that a united business community can command respect and recognition of its voice in the Government circles, which would enable it to play its traditional and dynamic role in an effective manner as an engine of economic growth. Of-course due to the determination and hard work of the business community the economic wheel of the country is moving on, irrespective of the rough road and bad weather all around.
I am confident that with the blessing of Almighty Allah and usual support of the business community, I would be able to serve the community effectively.
My Chamber team including Mr. Suleman Chawla, Senior Vice President and Mr. Ahmed Ashraf Latif, Vice President along with the members of the Executive Committee is a great strength for me to deliver the services to the Business community. Together Insha’Allah, we will further elevate the status of the Chamber and effectively espouse the cause of private sector in the service of nation and the country.
With kind regards, I am looking forward to your valued suggestions and input on various issues.
Lasbela Chamber of Commerce & Industry